Requires any facility that provides respirators to their employees to develop and maintain a written policy and procedure specific to each workplace, documenting respirator use practices. National Fit Testing Services will work with your company's designated Program Administrator to develop a policy and procedure document to satisfy this requirement.
Prior to wearing a respirator in the workplace, employees must be medically cleared. Our Online Medical Evaluation enables employees to log-on at their convenience and complete a questionnaire with full confidentiality. Questionnaires are reviewed by a Board-Certified Occupational Health Physician. Once complete, results are sent back to the Program Administrator while their personal health information remains private. Log-on for your company never expires and will remain available for new hires.
QLFT is a pass/fail fit test which assesses the adequacy of respirator fit based on the individual's response to test media. This test may be used for all tight fitting, negative pressure face pieces which will be used in atmospheres up to 10 times the OSHA PEL. As part of conducting the fit test, technicians will instruct wearers on all training points, such as donning/doffing, maintenance/storage, etc. QLFT is conducted using the test agent Saccharin or Bitrex™ Solution Aerosol.
A QNFT is an assessment of the adequacy of respirator fit by numerically measuring the amount of leakage into the respirator. A QNFT is required for all negative pressure full-face and half-face respirators that are to be used in atmospheres greater than 10 times the OSHA Permissive Exposure Limit (PEL). Our standard QNFT Method uses an Ambient Aerosol Condensation Nuclei Counter [TSI Portacount™]. A Fit Factor of >500 will be considered a pass for full-face piece respirators unless you prefer a higher minimum number.
Key Conditions
OSHA requires that employers keep written documentation of all employees who are fit tested and trained with written records on the day of testing. We also provide optional wallet cards.
If it is your goal to fit test and train internally; National Fit Testing Services will conduct training courses for your designated employees onsite or online.
OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard 29 CFR 1910.134 requires annual review and auditing of your program. National Fit Testing Services will conduct this audit and assure your compliance.