Our Company At A Glance
Our overall purpose and goal is to understand our customer's needs and objectives. Building a solid foundation is of primary importance. A thorough understanding of both state and federal regulations ensures respiratory compliance.
Linda Lane, President and Owner, is a Registered Respiratory Therapist who began her career with 10 years as Director of Cardiology, Neurology and Pulmonary Medicine at a major medical facility in Kansas City, MO.
She has spent close to the last 30 years building two successful companies specializing in OSHA Compliance.
Leslie Gossett is our National Sales Manager. Her background includes a degree in Entrepreneurship, followed by ten years as a Fit Test Technician, 2 years Technical Training Manager, and 2 years National Sales Manager.
Both women speak in conferences nationwide - look for them in regional and national events alike!
Finally, where would any company be without their employees? While we can provide all services to all 50 states, our technicians are local to Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Washington DC, Maryland, New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, California, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas.